Jump to: 2025,2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002
Montero-Mestre, J.L. 2025. Three empirical essays on marine economics and illegal fishing. PhD Thesis. University of the Andes, Bogota, Colombia, 137 p. (Full text)
Cioffi, E. 2024. Marine productivity in eastern boundary upwelling systems under climate change. Master Thesis, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy, 87 p. (Full text)
Guiet, J., Bianchi, D., Scherrer, K. J. N., Heneghan, R. F., and Galbraith, E. D. 2024. BOATSv2: New ecological and economic features improve simulations of High Seas catch and effort, Geoscientific Model Development [preprint], https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-2024-26 (Full text)
Mini, K.G., Najmudeen, T.M., Rajesh,, N., and Chandrasekar S (Eds.) 2024. Training Manual on Fisheries Management Practices and Techniques. CMFRI Training Manual Series No. 43/2024, p.243, ICAR-Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi. (Full text)
Murphy, K., Fierro Arcos, L.D, Weaver Rohr, T. et al. 2024. Developing a Southern Ocean marine ecosystem model ensemble to assess climate risks and uncertainties. ESS Open Archive DOI: 10.22541/essoar.171580194.49771608/v1 (Full text)
Ortega-Cisneros, K., Arcos L. D.F., Lindmark, M., et al. 2024. An integrated global-to-regional scale workflow for simulating climate change impacts on marine ecosystems. ESS Open Archive. INPRESS. https://doi.org/10.22541/essoar.171587234.44707846/v1 (Full text)
Racine, P. 2024. Evaluating and mitigating end-to-end human impacts to U.S. marine systems. PhD Thesis, University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, USA, 107 p. (Full text)
Rynne, N., Novaglio, C., Blanchard, J.L. et al. 2024. A skill assessment framework for the fisheries and marine ecosystem model intercomparison project. ESS Open Archive DOI: 10.22541/essoar.171580191.17895127/v1 (Full text)
Wei-Chung, C., Jia-Bin, L., Cheng-Yu, H. and Yi-Che, S. 2024. Environmental impacts of illegal fishing and enforcement responses in Taiwan PREPRINT (Version 1) available at Research Square [https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-5284562/v1] (Full text)
Wicker, K. 2024. Fishing in the commons: The effect of non-governmental organizations’ actions on illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing (Order No. 31302207). Master Thesis, College of Charleston, South Carolina, USA, 83 p.(Full text)
Wretschitsch, E., Spittler, N. and Kirchner, M. 2024. Modelling national pathways to achieving the SDGs in Austria – Insights from a system simulation approach with focus on inequality, economic growth and climate mitigation. SDGVisionPath Working Paper No. 4b http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.5038315 (Full text)
Almine, N. 2023. Understanding dried fish value chain and marketing strategy during COVID-19 pandemic: a case study from Thailand. Master Thesis, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s, Canada, 166 p. (Full text)
Anyang, A.A. 2023. Projecting catch potential for British Columbia First Nations under climate change and fisheries management scenarios. Master thesis, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, 135 p. (Full text)
Barth, A. 2023. Assessing the dynamics of the Southeast Florida shark community from 2013-2019 via catch per unit effort and stable isotope analysis. Master Thesis, Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, USA, 63 p. (Full text)
Del Signo del Rio, M. 2023. Does resource dependence matter? A consideration of artisanal fishing in the relationship between democracy and marine health. Master Thesis, University of Gothenburg, Göteborg, Sweden, 63 p. (Full text)
Gonzáles Mantilla, P. 2023. Shark-diving tourism in the Macaronesian archipelagos: challenges and opportunities” (2023). ITSA 2022 Gran Canaria – 9th Biennial Conference: Corporate Entrepreneurship and Global Tourism Strategies After Covid 19. 1. https://docs.lib.purdue.edu/itsa/ITSA2022/ITSA2022/1 (Full text)
González Ortiz, A. A. 2023. Fishing out nutrients: The spatiotemporal and ecological dynamics of fishery-based nutrient extraction. Master Thesis, Utah State University, Loga, USA, 73 p. (Full text)
Gopalakrishnan, A., Suresh, V.V.R., Najmudeen, T.M., Ignatius, B., Shinoj, P. and Rajesh, N. 2023. International Workshop cum Training on Fisheries and Aquaculture: African-Asian Rural Development Organization (AARDO). Manual. ICAR- Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi. (Full text)
Issifu, I. 2023. Mapping competition between domestic and distant water fishing fleets in West Africa. PREPRINT (Version 1) available at Research Square [https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-3795294/v1] (Full text)
Jarvis, C. 2023. Bottom trawling and the damage to underwater cultural heritage: An overview of the destruction and possible steps forward. Conference paper. Asia Pacific Regional Conference on Underwater Cultural Heritage ProceedingsAt: Gwangju, South Korea. (Full text)
Ryba, R., Connell, S., Davis, S. Tse, Y.F. and Singer, P. 2023. Towards shrimp and prawn welfare in the wild‐caught fishing industry: A global review and recommendations for research and policy. PREPRINT doi: 10.20944/preprints202312.1465.v1 (Full text)
Smeltz, T.S. 2023. Managing for long-term sustainability of seafood production from bottom tendered wild capture fisheries. PhD Thesis, Cornell University, Ithaca, United States, 142 p. (Full text)
Temple, A.J., Langner, U. and Berumen, M.L. 2023. Management and research efforts are failing dolphins, porpoises and other toothed whales, 04 October 2023, PREPRINT (Version 1) available at Research Square https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-3385208/v1 (Full text)
Ten Brink, T. 2023. Projections of economic impacts of climate change on Marine Protected Areas: Palau, the Great Barrier Reef, and the Bering Sea. Papers 2309.02323, arXiv.org. (Full text)
Ure, L. 2023. A tale of two fisheries: Are individual transferable quotas (ITQs) linked to regulatory capture in Iceland and New Zealand’s fisheries management? Master Thesis, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand, 109 p. (Full text)
Viana D.F., Zamborain-Mason, J., Gaines, S.D., Schmidhuber, J. and Golden, C.D. 2023. Nutrient supply from marine small-scale fisheries. Research Square https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-2705328/v1 (Full text)
Zejnilovic, L., Lavado, S., Grilo, C., Sa, R. and Faias, S. 2023. Illicit trade uncovered? The increase of small-scale fishery seafood sales during COVID-19 lockdown in Portugal (pre-print). Research Square https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-3126004/v1 (Full text)
Ben Lamine, E., Schickele, A., Goberville, E., Beaugrand, G., Allemand, D. and Raybaud, V. 2022. Decline in high economic value fish in the Mediterranean and European seas. PREPRINT (Version 1) available at Research Square https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-1358711/v1 (Full text)
Bennett, N.J., Alava, J.J., Ferguson, C.E., Blythe, J., Morgera, E., Boyd, D. and Côté, I.M. 2022. Environmental Justice in the Ocean. IOF Working Papers 2022 (03), 40 pp., Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries, University of British Columbia. (Full text)
Calvo, G., Armero, C., Spezia, L. and Pennino, M.G. 2022. Bayes factors for longitudinal model assessment via power posteriors. Cornell University Library, arXiv.org, Ithaca. (Full text)
Cinner, J.E., Caldwell, I., Thiault, L., Ben, J., Blanchard, J.L., Coll, M., Diedrich, A., Eddy, T.D., Everett, J.D., Folberth, C., Gascual, D., Guiet, J., Gurney, G.G., Heneghan, R.F., Jägermeyr, J., Jiddawi, N., Lahari, R., Kuange,J., Liu, W., Maury, O., Müller, C., Novaglio, C., Palacios-Abrantes, J., Petrik, C.M., Rabearisoa, A., Tittensor, D.P., Wamukota, A. and Pollnac, R., 2022. The potential impacts of climate change on agriculture and fisheries production in 72 tropical coastal communities, 06 May 2022, PREPRINT (Version 1) available at Research Square https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-1620392/v1 (Full text)
Irschlinger, T. and Tipping, A. 2022. A draft World Trade Organization agreement on fisheries subsidies: What’s on the table? Policy brief. The International Institute for Sustainable Development, Winnipeg, Canada. (Full text)
Morée, A. L., Clarke, T. M., Cheung, W. W. L., and Frölicher, T. L. 2022. Impact of deoxygenation and warming on global marine species in the 21st century, EGUsphere [preprint], https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-2022-1364 (Full text)
Murawu, A.G. 2022. Modern fishing techniques and the threat to food security. Case of Malawi. Master Thesis, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås, Norway, 69 p. (Full text)
Navarra, G.G. 2022. The impacts of climate variability and change on the physical and social-ecological dynamics of the Kuroshio and North Pacific transition zone. PhD Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA, 109 p. (Full text)
Noack, F. and Costello, C. 2022. Credit markets, property rights, and the commons. Working Paper 29889 National Bureau of Economic Research http://www.nber.org/papers/w29889 (Full text)
Payne, S. and Hoagland, P. 2022. A Twilight Zone episode: Historical expansion of the Soviet Union’s fishing fleet and the exploitation of mesopelagic fisheries in the Southern Ocean. Ocean Yearbook Online 36(1): 526-549 https://doi.org/10.1163/22116001-03601018 (Full text)
Peria, J.N. 2023. Movement, aggregations, and habitat selection of giant sea Bbass (Stereolepis gigas) along the Southern California coast. Master Thesis, California State University, Northridge, USA, 53 p. (Full text)
Talwar, B.S., Anderson, B., Avalos-Castillo, C.G., Blanco-Parra, M.P., Briones, A., Cardeñosa, D., Carlson, J.K., Charvet, P., Cotton, C.F., Crysler, Z., Derrick, D.H., Heithaus, M.R., Herman, K.B., Koubrak, O., Kulka, D.W., Kyne, P.M., Lasso-Alcalá, O.M., Mejía-Falla, P.A., Morales-Saldaña, J.M., Naranjo-Elizondo, B., Navia, A.F., Pacoureau, N., Peréz-Jiménez, J.C., Pollom, R.A., Rigby, C.L., Schneider, E.V.C., Simpson, N. and Dulvy, N. 2022. Extinction risk, reconstructed catches, and management of chondrichthyan fishes in the Western Central Atlantic Ocean bioRxiv 2022.01.26.477854; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.01.26.477854 (Full text)
Viana, D., Gill, D., Zvoleff, A., Krueck, N., Zamborain-Mason, J., Free, C., Shepon, A., Mascia, M. & Grieco, D., Schmidhuber, J. and Golden, C. 2022. Sustainable-use marine protected areas to improve human nutrition. 10.21203/rs.3.rs-1765829/v1. (Full text)
Bernard, M.L. 2021. Community engagement and perceptions in marine conservation in the Caribbean. Master Thesis, Arizona State University, Phoenix, USA, 129 p. (Full text)
Gay, D. 2021. Structural transformation in graduating Pacific least developed countries (LDCs). MPFD Working Paper Series, No. ESCAP / 1-WP / 2. Bangkok: ESCAP. (Full text)
Geiser, L. 2021. Can the well-studied environmental impacts of bathyal bottom trawling be used in assessing the unknown environmental effects of deep-sea mining on the abyssobenthic environment? Master Thesis, University of Dundee, Dundee, Scotland, 51 p. (Full text)
Marre, J.P., Lalavanua, W. and Govan, H. 2021. National investments allocated to coastal fisheries and community-based fisheries management in the Pacific: A review of past monitoring efforts and recommendations. SPC Fisheries Newsletter 165 (Full text)
Mizrahi, M. 2021. Maximising potential impact of Marine Protected Area placement: an integrated socioeconomic perspective. PhD thesis, James Cook University, North Queensland, Australia, 157 p. (Full text)
Nwanna, L.C. 2021. Nutritional concepts and fisheries production in sick waters. Lecture Series 127. The Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria. (Full text)
Nyameke, I. 2021. An assessment of the impact of foreign fishing in EEZ of African Countries. Master Thesis, Pukyong National University, Busan, South Korea, 158 p. (Full text)
Palacios Abrantes, J. E. 2021. Transboundary fish stocks and their management under climate change. PhD thesis, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, 118 p. (Full text)
Salenius, F. 2021. Essays on international fisheries management. PhD thesis, University of Iceland, Reykjavík, Iceland, 99 p. (Full text)
Soares de Oliveira, C. 2021. Status treaties revisited: Implications for international environmental law. LLM Thesis, University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, 69 p. (Full text)
Ansell, M. 2020. Marine fisheries catches for mainland India from 1950-2018. MSc thesis, University of Western Australia, Crawley, Australia, 54 p. (Full text)
Calvo, G., Armero, C., Pennino, M.G. and Spezia, L. 2020. Bayesian longitudinal models for exploring European sardine fishing in the Mediterranean Sea, arXiv. (Full text)
Cashion, T. 2020. Get it in gear: evaluating gear-based trade-offs in fisheries. PhD Dissertation, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, 140 p. (Full text)
Iguanzo, B., Gutierrez, M.J. and Orbe, S. 2020. The determinants of discards in fisheries: A country approach with GAMs methodology. In: Proceedings of the 35th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling: July 20-24, 2020 Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain / Itziar Irigoien … [et al.] (Editors) 457 p. (Full text)
Khalfallah, M. 2020. Data-poor fisheries: Case studies from the Southern Mediterranean and the Arabian Peninsula. PhD Dissertation, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, 349 p. (Full text)
Miqueleiz Legaz, I. 2020. Fish conservation in the 21st century: Lessons learned and perspectives for a sustainable future. PhD thesis, University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain 173 p. (Full text)
Poiron-Guidoni, N. and Bisgambiglia, P.A. 2020. Deep hierarchical reinforcement learning in a markov game applied to fishery management decision making. 2020 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), Canberra, Australia, 2020, pp. 1371-1378, doi: 10.1109/SSCI47803.2020.9308606. (Full text)
Pranovi, F. 2020. Mapping Past and Future Commercial Shark Populations in the Mediterranean and Analysis of Possible Consequences. MSc Thesis, Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Venezia, Italy, 77 p. (Full text)
Rederer, H. 2020. Pacific herring (Clupea pallasii) egg accumulation on eelgrass (Zostera marina) and other substrates in Tomales Bay, California. MSc Thesis, California State University, Sacramento, 75 p. (Full text)
Rosenzweig, M.R. and Santos, R.J. 2020. Is fish brain food or brain poison? Sea surface temperature, methyl-mercury and child cognitive development. Yale Discussion Papers. 1080. (Full text)
Rogers, A., Aburto-Oropeza, O., Appeltans, W., Assis, J., Ballance, L.T., Cury, P., Duarte, C., Favoretto, F., Kumagai, J., Lovelock, C., Miloslavich, P., Niamir, A., Obura, D., O’Leary, B.C., Reygondeau, G., Roberts, C., Sadovy, Y., Sutton, T., Tittensor, D. and Velarde, E. 2020. Critical Habitats and Biodiversity: Inventory, Thresholds and Governance. Washington, DC: World Resources Institute. (Full text)
Sandi, S. 2020. Estimation of the total catch and effort of the industrial fishery in Sierra Leone, 2008-2019. UNESCO GRÓ-Fisheries Training Programme, Iceland. Final project. http://www.grocentre.is/ftp/static/fellows/document/Sahr19prf.pdf. (Full text)
Schijns, R. 2020. What has Canada caught, and how much is left? Reconstructing and assessing fisheries in three oceans, MSc Thesis, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada 123 p. (Full text)
Soomsalu, G. 2020. Estonia in Baltic naval cooperation- Business as usual? Higher Officer Program, Swedish Defence University, Stockholm, Sweden, 33 p. (Full text)
Yusuf, A.M. 2020. Somali fishing industry: field study of the status, challenges and opportunities. MSc Thesis, World Maritime University, Malmö, Sweden, 35 p. (Full text)
Zhang, X. and Vincent, A.C.J. 2020. Evolution of China’s policies on bottom trawl fisheries over seven decades (1949 – 2018). IOF Working Paper Series #2020 – 01. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, 59 p. (Full text)
Zhang, X. and Vincent, A.C.J. 2020. Reconstructing fishing capacity and landings of China’s bottom trawl fisheries (1950 – 2018). Working Paper #2020 – 03. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 41 p. (Full text)
Bilecki, D. 2019. The Burden of invisibility: A case study of the fisheries crisis in Ghana, and the USAID/Ghana Sustainable Fisheries Management Project’s Gegender Mainstreaming Strategy, University of Rhode Island, USA, 121 p. (Full text)
Cheung, W.W.L., Lam, V.W.Y. and Wabnitz, C. 2019. Future scenarios and projections for fisheries on the high seas under a changing climate. Changing Oceans Research Group / International Institute for Environment and Development – Working Paper 2019, 43pp. (Full text)
Harper, S.J. 2019. The contributions by women to fisheries economies worldwide. PhD Dissertation, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada 195 p. (Full text)
FISH: Sierra Leone. 2019. Africa Research Bulletin: Economic, Financial and Technical Series 56(3): 22519C-22520A. (Full text)
Lancaster, J. 2019.The Norwegian Thunderbolt: Vice Admiral Peter Wessel. Center for International Maritime Security, retrieved from https://cimsec.org/tag/denmark/ (Full text)
Mbotiji, N.N. 2019. An impact assessment of Illegal, Unreported, Unregulated (IUU) fishing in Central Africa as a step towards sustainability in Africa’s fishing industry – case study: Cameroon. World Maritime University Dissertations. 1152. Malmö, Sweden, 63 p. (Full text)
Schuhbauer, A., Skerritt, D.J., Ebrahim, N., Le Manach, F. and Sumaila, U.R. 2019. The global fisheries subsidies divide between small- and large-scale fisheries. IOF Working Paper Series 2019 – 06, 13pp., Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries, University of British Columbia. (Full text)
Vieira, N. 2019. Stock assessment and the influence of environmental parameters on the distribution of mackerel scad (Decapterus macarellus) in Cabo Verde waters. United Nations University Fisheries Training Programme, Iceland. Final project. (Full text)
Wilson, R. 2019. Reviewing sampling and data analysis techniques for artisanal fisheries in Liberia. United Nations University Fisheries Training Programme, Iceland final project. (Full text)
Bendriem, N. 2018. Calculating the economic value of genomic technologies in wild and farmed coho production. MSc Thesis, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, 132 p. (Full text)
Cashion, M.S. 2018. Evaluating and enhancing the taxonomic resolution of shark and ray (Subclass Elasmobranchii) catch statistics in the Mediterranean and Black Seas (1950-2014). MSc Thesis, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, 66 p. (Full text)
Comte, A. 2018. Coral reefs ecosystem services under global environmental change: Interdisciplinary approaches to guide science and action. Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Brest, France, 282 p. (Full text)
Cyr, H.A. 2018. The impacts of longlines on deepsea sponges in the Azores. Universidade dos Açores, Ponta Delgada, Portugal. (Full text)
Tembe, S.A. 2018. Status of Quirimbas, Bazaruto and Ponta do Ouro marine protected areas of Mozambique. Universidad de Alicante, Alicante, Spain, 102 p. (Full text)
Thomsen, I., Hasselbring, W., Schmidt, J., and Quaas, M.F. 2018. Integrated search and analysis of multidisciplinary marine data with GeRDI. International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems 5-7 November 2018 – Barcelona, Spain. (Full text)
Bendriem, N., Roman, R., Gibson D. and Sumaila, U.R. 2017. Wild vs. farmed: Selected review of a dichotomized status of coho salmon in British Columbia. OceanCanada Working Paper #2017-06. (Full text)
Bukola, A.O.A. 2018. Assessment of post-harvest fish losses among small-scale fishermen in Ondo State, Nigeria. Doctoral dissertation. Universiti Utara Malaysia, 253 p. (Full text)
Flett, I. 2017. How aquaponics can improve aquaculture and help feed a hungry world. University of Akureyri, Ísafjörður, Iceland, 181 p. (Full text)
Gibson, D. and Sumaila, U.R. 2017. How small-scale are fisheries in British Columbia? OceanCanada Working Paper #2017-03. (Full text)
Nogueira Gassent, A. 2017. Changes in the overexploited demersal fish assemblages in the Northwest Atlantic: the Southern Grand Banks and the Flemish Cap. Universidad de Vigo, Spain, 251 p. (Full text)
Tai, T.C., Cashion, T., Lam, V.W.Y., Swartz, W. and Sumaila, U.R. 2017. Ex-vessel fish price database: disaggregating prices for low-priced species from reduction fisheries. OceanCanada Working Paper #2017-02. (Full text)
Bouchet, P. and Meeuwig, J. 2016. Sea Around Us Project – Relative Demersal Fish Abundance Inferred from Commercial Catch Data, Northwestern Australia (1997-2006).” Dataset Web. (Full text)
Brotz, L. 2016. Jellyfish fisheries of the world. PhD Dissertation, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, 170 p. (Full text)
Ferguson-Cradler, G. 2016. Liberalism in numbers only: Science, politics, and state power in postwar global fisheries management. (Order No. 10195197). Princeton University, New Jersey, USA, 424 p. (Full text)
Hamad, H.B. 2016. The East African community’s maritime domain: an innovative institutional framework. University of Greenwich, United Kingdom, 416 p. (Full text)
Monteiro, F.M. 2016. Changes in taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic diversity of the fish assemblage in a temperate estuary. Universidad de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal, 42 p. (Full text)
Pálsdóttir, A.Þ. 2016. Rights-based management systems in fisheries. How can assigned rights change fisheries? University of Iceland, Reykjavík, Iceland, 45 p. (Full text)
Williams, M.J. 2016. Gender research as a new frontier in fisheries and aquaculture economics: In the footsteps of Rosemary Firth. Report of the Gender Papers presented at the 2016 International Institute for Fisheries Economics and Trade, Aberdeen, Scotland, 11-15 July, 2016. (Full text)
Al-Abdulrazzak, D. 2015. In the wake of the dhow: Historical changes in the marine ecology and fisheries of the Persian Gulf. PhD Dissertation, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 181 p. (Full text)
Buchet, V. 2015. Impact assessment of invasive flora species in Posidonia oceanica meadows on fish assemblage: an influence on local fisheries? The case study of Lipsi Island, Greece. University Centre of the Westfjords, Suðurgata, Iceland, 85 p. (Full text)
Costa, M. 2015. Abundance and distribution of delphinids in the Red Sea (Egypt). University of St Andrews, Fife, Scotland, 271 p. (Full text)
Elfes, C.T. 2015. A regional-scale Ocean Health Index for Brazil. University of California, Santa Barbara, USA, 79 p. (Full text)
Gallego Cosme, M.J. 2015. El factor soberanía en el análisis geopolítico de pequeños espacios insulares. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Instituto Universitario General Gutiérrez Mellado, Spain, 290 p. (Full text)
Madkour, H.A. 2015. Detection of damaged areas due to tourism development along the Egyptian Red Sea coast using GIS, remote sensing and foraminifera. State of the Art, National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Red Sea Branch, Egypt, 135 p. (Full text)
Nedreaas, K., Iversen, S. and Kuhnle, G. 2015. Preliminary estimates of total removals by the Norwegian marine fisheries, 1950-2010. Fisheries Centre Working Paper #2015-94, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, 15 p. (Full text)
Otrachshenko, V. and Bosello, F. 2015. Identifying the link between coastal tourism and marine ecosystems in the Baltic, North Sea, and Mediterranean countries. Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM) 10.22004/ag.econ.198895. (Full text)
Rhodes, J. 2015. Economic vs. ideological interests: Examining Chinese arms exports and aid. University of Mississippi, Oxford, USA. (Full text)
Wood, M. 2015. Automated detection of fishing vessels using smart hydrophones on an underwater coastal glider. Underwater Acoustics International Conference and Exhibition, 22-27 June 2014, Rhodes, Greece. (Full text)
Belhabib, D. 2014. West African fisheries: Past, present and futures? PhD Dissertation, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, 214 p. (Full text)
Bhathal, B. 2014. Government-led development of India’s marine fisheries since 1950: catch and effort trends and bioeconomic models for exploring alternative policies. PhD Dissertation, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, 321 p. (Full text)
Bolanou, C. and Kiousopoulos, J. 2014. Marine spatial planning in Hellas: Recent facts and perspectives. FIG Congress 2014 Engaging the Challenges – Enhancing the Relevance Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 16-21 June 2014. (Full text)
Boonzaier, L. 2014. Marine protected areas: a global exploration of their quantity and quality. MSc Thesis, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, 110 p. (Full text)
Colléter, M. 2014. Fishing impacts on the trophic functioning of marine ecosystems: a comparative approach using trophodynamic models. PhD Dissertation, University of British Columbia and Ecole doctorale Vie-Agro-Santé, Agrocampus Ouest, Rennes, France, 236 p. (Full text)
Greer, K. 2014. Considering the ‘effort factor’ in fisheries: a methodology for reconstructing global fishing effort and CO2 emissions, 1950 – 2010. MSc Thesis, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 107 p. (Full text)
Le Manach, F. 2014. Past, present and future of publicly-funded European Union’s fishing access agreements in developing countries. PhD Dissertation, University of British Columbia and Université de Montpellier (co-supervision w/ Dr. Philippe Cury, Montpellier), 171 p. (Full text)
Orozco, M.C.L. 2014. Environmental protection and U.S. foreign policy & decision-making in multilateral development banks. Honors College Theses. 26 University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA, 70 p. (Full text)
Schiller, L.L. 2014. Tuna be, or not tuna be: using catch data to observe the ecological of commercial tuna fisheries in the Pacific Ocean at varying spatial scales. MSc Thesis, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, 155 p. (Full text)
Ulman, A. 2014. Actual and perceived decline of fishery resources in Turkey and Cyprus: A history with an emphasis on shifting baselines. MSc Thesis, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 207 p. (Full text)
Valdés Quilodrán, R. 2014. Distribución oceánica de metales pesados asociados a la actividad del Complejo Industrial Ventanas en la Bahía de Quintero, V región. Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano, Santiago, Chile, 69 p. (Full text)
Alexander, S. 2013. Novel biomass conversion routes: ammonia from biomass, and marine macroalgae for energy. Aston University, Birmingham, England, 322 p. (Full text)
Govender, R. 2013. Small but mighty: A global reconsideration of small-scale fisheries. MSc Thesis, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 86 p. (Full text)
Lam, V.W.Y. 2013. Global fisheries economics in the face of change in climate. PhD Dissertation, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. (Full text)
Liebman, B. 2013. SOS: Save our seafood: what’s good for us and the oceans. Center for Science in the Public Interest. (Full text)
Perry, E.E. 2013. Perceptions of protection: coastal resident cognitions concerning new marine reserves in Oregon. Oregon State University. Corvallis, USA. (Full text)
Sampson, D. 2013. Marine resource management under increasing complexities and uncertainties. North American Association of Fisheries Economists, 7th Biennial Forum May 21-24, 2013, St. Petersburg, FL, USA. (Full text)
Vincent-Akpu, I. 2013. Sustainable development in fisheries of Nigeria. IAIA13 Conference Proceedings’ Impact Assessment the Next Generation 33rd Annual Meeting of the International Association for Impact Assessment 13 – 16 May 2013, Calgary Stampede BMO Centre | Calgary, Alberta, Canada (www.iaia.org). (Full text)
Bayramoglu, B. and Jacques, J. 2012. Fishery resources and trade openness: Evidence from Turkey. INRA, Economie Publique No 2012/02, Working Papers. (Full text)
Biery, L. 2012. Using shark catch data to estimate the magnitude and global distribution of the shark fin trade. MSc Thesis, University of British Columbia, Vancouver. 122 p. (Full text)
Chalkou, A.E. 2012. Διακύμανση του τροφικού επιπέδου των αλιευτικών αποθεμάτων της Μεσογείου και της Μαύρης Θάλασσας. (Full text)
George, D.A. 2012. The Southern Kurile Islands: Shrouded in eternal fog. Technical report U.S. Army War College Carlisle, USA. (Full text)
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Paleczny, M. 2012. An analysis of temporal and spatial patterns in global seabird abundance during the modern industrial era (1950-2010), and the relationship between global seabird decline and marine fisheries catch. MSc Thesis, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, 119 p. (Full text)
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Tesfamichael, D. 2012. Assessment of the Red Sea ecosystem, with emphasis on fisheries. PhD Dissertation, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 238 p. (Full text)
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Trujillo, P. 2007. A global analysis of the sustainability of marine aquaculture. Master Thesis, Department of Resource Management and Environmental Studies, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, 127 p. (Full text)
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Khan, A.S. 2006. Sustainability challenges in the geoduck clam fishery of British Columbia: Policy perspectives. Fisheries Centre Working Paper Series, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.
Libralato, S., Coll, M., Tudela, S., Palomera, I. and Pranovi, F. 2006. Quantifying effects of fishing on marine trophic webs. Fisheries Centre Working Paper Series 24, 1-48, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.
McWhinnie, S.F. 2006. Management issues in the fisheries commons. PhD Dissertation, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, 79 p. (Full text)
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Karpouzi, V.S. 2005. Modelling and mapping trophic overlap between fisheries and the world’s seabirds. MSc Thesis, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, 150 p. (Full text)
Sumaila, U.R., Alder, J. and Martin-Smith, K.M. 2005. Global scope and economics of illegal fishing. Fisheries Centre Working Paper Series 2005-02, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. (Full text)
Bhathal, B. 2004. Historical reconstruction of Indian marine fisheries catches, 1950-2000, as basis for testing the ‘marine trophic index’. MSc Thesis, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, 130 p. (Full text)
Kaschner, K. 2004. Modelling and mapping resource overlap between marine mammals and fisheries on a global scale. PhD Dissertation, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, 225 p. (Full text)
Swartz, W.K. 2004. Global maps of the growth of Japanese fisheries and fish consumption. MSc Thesis, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, 67 p.
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