The Sea Around Us Project Manager, Dr. Deng Palomares, received an award that praises her efforts as Specialty Chief Editor for Frontiers in Marine Science.
Granted by the journal’s Community Support Fund, the award acts as a positive acknowledgment of the impact of Dr. Palomares’ initiative to maintain a vibrant Marine Fisheries and Aquaculture section, as well as of her incessant work in encouraging scientists to submit their papers and boosting the overall growth of Frontiers.
“It’s your passion, creativeness and enthusiasm that is wonderfully contagious and we would like to sincerely thank you for the time and effort you have been investing in the journal,” the award letter to Dr. Palomares reads.
Besides constantly encouraging submissions on different research topics, Deng voluntarily edits or coordinates the review of about six articles per month. “It’s a lot of work but I’m passionate about it. I’m really happy that my efforts are being recognized and that the work is having such a positive impact,” she said.
Frontiers publications rank among the world’s most-cited in their fields with the recently created Marine Science journal already gathering over 1.3K open-access articles that are reviewed by an army of 2.7K editors. The section has a CiteScore of 2.89, which places it in a mid-point between the most and the least cited journals of the open science platform.